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Small Mammals + English

  • Combining alternative medical therapies, either with other alternative therapies or with more conventional treatments, may improve a patient's health or speed the healing of disease. However, combined incorrectly, these same therapies have the potential to interfere with healing or cause serious health consequences. Veterinary practitioners trained in acupuncture, herbal therapy, and homeopathy are the best sources of information on what conventional and alternative treatments will combine well and which ones should not be used together.

  • Compounded medications are not approved by federal authorities. They are medications that have been altered to provide more accurate dosing or easier administration. They have not been tested for safety, stability, potency, or efficacy.

  • Running a veterinary clinic has a lot of overhead and behind the scenes cost that many pet owners aren't aware of. Human healthcare is far more expensive and less efficient than you realize. Plan ahead and take preventive steps to help reduce treating costly problems.

  • Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome (WHS) is a progressive degenerative neurological disease of African and European hedgehogs. The disease causes muscle atrophy and weakness that eventually progresses to partial or full paralysis of the limbs and torso. The clinical signs, diagnostic testing, and supportive care management of WHS are explained in this handout.

  • Zinc gluconate (neutralized) topical (brand name Maxi/Guard®Zn7 Derm) is an anti-irritant that may provide relief from the dry skin and itching associated with irritating skin conditions in cats, dogs, and other animals. Zinc gluconate (neutralized) topical comes in gel and liquid spray forms.